
A complete and chronologically ordered list of my preprints and publications is here.

For beginners to derived algebraic geometry, I recommend starting with stacksncts or blowups.

Virtual fundamental classes, virtual localization, virtual structure sheaves:

virtual Virtual fundamental classes of derived stacks I
virloc Virtual localization revisited (with D. Aranha, A. Latyntsev, H. Park, C. Ravi)
kstack K-theory and G-theory of derived algebraic stacks (§ 6)

Derived microlocalization and Fourier transforms:

dimredcoha 3d cohomological Hall algebras for local surfaces (with T. Kinjo)
fourier The derived homogeneous Fourier transform
modfour Modularity of higher theta series II (with T. Feng)

Equivariant cohomology, concentration and localization:

equilisse Equivariant generalized cohomology via stacks (with C. Ravi)
constack The stacky concentration theorem (with Aranha, Latyntsev, Park, Ravi)
concat Cohomological and categorical concentration (with C. Ravi)

Constructions of six functor formalisms:

six Voevodsky's criterion for constructible categories of coefficients
sixstack Generalized cohomology theories for algebraic stacks (with C. Ravi)
virtual Virtual fundamental classes of derived stacks I (Appendix A)
weavelisse Lisse extensions of weaves

Algebraic K-theory of derived schemes and stacks:

kstack K-theory and G-theory of derived algebraic stacks
kblow Algebraic K-theory of quasi-smooth blow-ups and cdh descent
excess Virtual excess intersection theory
milnor Categorical Milnor squares and K-theory of algebraic stacks (with Bachmann, Ravi, Sosnilo)
lettuce The lattice property for perfect complexes on singular stacks

Fundamental classes and intersection theory in terms of the six functors:

fund Fundamental classes in motivic homotopy theory (with F. Déglise, F. Jin)
dualet Absolute Poincaré duality in étale cohomology

Abstract six functor formalisms:

thesis Motivic homotopy theory in derived algebraic geometry
weaves Weaves
weavelisse Lisse extensions of weaves

Foundational stuff about derived algebraic geometry:

blowups Virtual Cartier divisors and blow-ups (with D. Rydh)
classicality Dimensional classicality criterion for derived stacks
The infinite loop space machine in motivic homotopy theory (with E. Elmanto, M. Hoyois, V. Sosnilo, M. Yakerson):
deloop Motivic infinite loop spaces
deloop2 Framed transfers and motivic fundamental classes
deloop3 Modules over algebraic cobordism
deloop4 On the infinite loop spaces of algebraic cobordism and the motivic sphere (EHKSY + Bachmann)
Motivic homotopy theory in derived/spectral algebraic geometry:
thesis Motivic homotopy theory in derived algebraic geometry
localization The Morel–Voevodsky localization theorem in spectral algebraic geometry
a1-sag A1-homotopy invariance in spectral algebraic geometry (with D.-C. Cisinski)
More motivic homotopy theory:
shcdh The cdh-local motivic homotopy category
minus On the rational motivic homotopy category (with Déglise, Fasel, Jin)